Revealed: The 5x Email Marketing Strategy Guaranteed To Grow Your Lists Faster, Skyrocket Your Open Rates & Massively Boost Response!
If You're Looking For More Subscribers, More Clicks & More Sales It's Time To Change The Way You Think About "Lead Magnets"
When it comes to lead generation and building subscriber lists, most marketers start the ball rolling by offering some type of ‘Lead Magnet' (a freebie/incentive designed to seed their sales funnels with fresh prospects)
It's common practice, 'experts' teach it...
Chances are you're doing something like this to build your lists too?
If you are, then those lead magnets are probably reports, ebooks or some form of digital download right?
But there's a HUGE PROBLEM with this approach...
While ebooks/reports do pull in leads, ultimately they can have almost ZERO impact on future sales and revenue... Worse, if you get even a tiny part of this strategy wrong this type of lead magnet can have a such a NEGATIVE impact on your business they can instantly kill future sales potential completely!
In fact, to guarantee these ebooks and reports stand any chance of benefiting your business at all you've got to absolutely 'nail it' in terms of research, content and presentation/design.
Why?.. Because there are just so many floating around the Internet your prospects are numb to them.
It's time you switched things up!
After Giving Away Over ONE MILLION Free Ebooks/Reports & Digital Downloads To Build My Lists And Sell My Products Online... It Became Shockingly Clear Something Better Was Needed!
Yes I've been around the block more than once. I've spent the last 20 years in the 'online marketing trenches', building lists into the millions and running hundreds of campaigns for myself and my clients (in almost every kind of niche you could think of) and I've seen this 'value-shift' first-hand...
... Back in the beginning people loved free downloads, but I guarantee you that today, when a potential new subscriber sees the word “ebook,” on your landing page, they first think:
"Probably Junk!"
Even if you're lucky enough to get the opt-in, even if you get everything right and your downloads are amazing, they still lack the secret 'MAGIC SAUCE' that converts prospects into buyers because of an inherent flaw in the process!
It's why I want to share something with you that works at least FIVE TIMES better!
I’ve been using this powerful strategy under the radar now for close to 10 years. And while it actually takes LESS time and effort to put together compared to creating a free ebook, the RESPONSE RATES and the RESULTS (I’m talking about your bottom line profits) are so much better my guess is once you try it you’ll NEVER switch back.
Let’s take a look:
The Five Day Email Mini-Course
This is just what it sounds like: Instead of giving someone all the information at once (as you would in an ebook or report), you break it up into five parts that you deliver via email over a set period of time.
Simple right?
But as I hinted above, there are some VERY POWERFUL reasons why you need to start doing this right now.
Here are the biggest 3:
1.Your calls to action get more exposure. Not only do your subscribers see your initial links and calls to action five times during the mini course series, but they’ll see your promos for other products you recommend in future emails (see #3).
2.You accelerate relationship building. People do business with those they know, like and trust. And one really good way to build that trust is by sending a series of high-quality emails packed with the right kind of content. Unlike an ebook or report, these mini-courses are much more likely to be read and acted upon.
And this is what really makes the BIGGEST difference...
3.You're training your subscribers to open your emails. If you’ve ever handed out a freebie in exchange for an email address, then you'll know all too well that most people give you their “throwaway” email address. Or they simply collect the freebie and never open your emails again... Unresponsive subscribers, cold prospects and junk emails don't make you rich.
Yes It sucks... but it happens to every marketer that gives away ebooks and reports and it's happening more and more... If you're still giving them away then you've already stumbled on potentially the fastest way to add another subscriber to your list that will NEVER READ any of your emails let alone buy anything from you!
Offering a five-day mini course solves this problem, because over the series you'll demonstrate to your subscriber that you offer high-quality information via email, this leads them to open your future emails too. And it's essential you do this if you want your email marketing campaigns to work.
The good news is these mini-courses take ZERO extra time to set up (less time than ebooks/reports when you know how) and they cost MUCH less to create... yet they work 5 times better when it comes to monetizing lists!
Stop Risking Your Chances Of Success By Giving Away Ineffective Ebooks And Reports!

- You can use this strategy to create multiple passive income streams.
- You can use it to grow your list of targeted subscribers faster.
- You can use it to guarantee a stronger relationship with your readers.
- You can use it to electrify conversion rates on product/service sales.
The mini-course strategy works in ANY marketplace and for ANY niche. And even better it takes zero additional effort compared to what you're doing right now!
Inside the 5x Formula Manual you'll discover:
- How to quickly create these amazing 'mini-course' lead magnets.
- 4 Proven hacks to super-charge your mini-courses to perfection.
- How to monetize your new courses for MAXIMUM profits.
- 3 Ways to create your mini-courses almost entirely hands-free.
- 10 Niche hot niche market examples along with mini-course ideas for each.
- My secret sauce to get more clicks and sales from your email sequence.
- How to avoid the 10 common mistakes people make when they try to copy this strategy
Plus+ 5 ready to use email swipe templates you can use to introduce existing subscribers to a new mini-course, re-engaging cold subscribers (sometimes turning them into paying customers instantly)
Grab Your Copy Of The '5x Formula' Today And Get TWO FREE Books Included...

If there’s one word that’s overused in certain circles (especially in Internet marketing), it’s the word “ebook.” Everyone is giving them away or you’ll see ‘em dirt-cheap on $1 PLR websites.
The end result? The word “ebook” is too often associated with junk. It's essential you know how to properly 'package' digital content.
This course will show you how to quickly and easily 'repackage for perception' all your digital products, how to add instant value and get higher conversions, more authority & big profits!

To start getting more subscribers and sales, you need to know why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in a desired way.
And that’s exactly what you’re about to discover in this mini course, where we’ll look at ten psychological sales triggers you use these triggers in your sales letters, blog posts, newsletters and more.
You can use them to get more subscribers, get sales, get referrals… or whatever else you need to grow your business.
These strategies could be worth thousands of dollars to your business.
But act now and you’ll get the manual for $67
just $37 - You won’t find a better or more affordable way to discover these secrets, so start now and remember your order is backed by our 30 day satisfaction guarantee!
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