Attn: All Over-Worked Marketers & Entrepreneurs...
Here's How To Work Less, Make More And Build Up Your Authority Status To Rock Star Levels In Less Than A Month!
Let others do the work while you enjoy the profits!
The other day a good friend asked me about my favorite ways to make money online.
And I told him…
'I love it when others do most of the work while I enjoy the profits.'
Seriously, I firmly believe you don’t have to work HARD in order to make a good living online. You just need to start working smarter.
And one great way to work smart is to leverage other peoples’ assets.
Sure, you’ve heard about this plenty of times before. People are always talking about joint ventures. But today I’d like to point you in the direction of one very special kind of joint venture.
I’m talking about a venture that can…
'Build your list like crazy, generate a ton of goodwill among other marketers in your niche, and drop oodles of cash in the bank too!

The answer? Blowout Offers!..
Now if you’re not familiar with this incredible tactic, let me give you a quick overview…
Blowout offers are all about recruiting dozens of partners to help you create one big product collection that you sell for an amazingly low price. Everyone who contributes to the offer helps promote it, which makes the event a HUGE success.
Here’s what happens:
This is a win-win-win event.
Everyone is happy, all the marketers are making money, and you’ve got a customer list filled with people who are just itching to spend more money with you!
Best of all:
If this all sounds very exciting, then you’re going to love what I’m offering you today…
Introducing the Blowout Offer Blueprint: Your 6-Step Guide to Planning, Developing and Launching a Profitable Blowout Sale in ANY Niche!

If the idea of making money while others do most of the work appeals to you, then you’re going to want to download this blueprint ASAP!
Planning your Blowout Event!
This is where you start your planning, such as by deciding on the focus/topic for the event.
Creating Terms for your Partners.
Here’s where you’ll decide what terms to include for those who participate in the event.
Do this right, and you’re sure to have a successful event that goes off without a hitch!
Naming & Branding your Event.
Some people will decide whether to purchase your offer just based on the name and branding alone,
which is why this step is so important and why you'll get a ton of useful information inside this section.
Recruiting Partners for your Event.
In this module you’ll discover how to find and recruit partners to make your event a massive success.
Blowout Launches the right way!
Here you’ll all the key pieces you need to have in place for a successful launch.
Everything covered, such as the sales letter, payment processor, download page, swipes & more.
Blowout Profit Expansion tactics!
This last part of this in depth strategy guide is all about making your event successful for everyone.
As you can see, this complete marketing blueprint will get you up and running fast.
But that’s not all…
Order Now to Receive the Bonus Extras That Makes Blowout Marketing Even Faster, Easier and More Profitable!
Blowout Blueprint FAQ – Answers To Your Top Questions
The Blowout Blueprint manual gives you detailed step-by-step instructions for getting your first event up and running. You may still have a few lingering questions about how to make the most of this event. Fortunately, I have answers.
Here are just some of the questions covered inside this bonus:
1. There’s a big-name partner I’d really like to work with. What’s the best way to approach this person (especially if I don’t have time to build a relationship)?
2. A potential partner said ‘no’ last time. Should I invite them to contribute to my next offer?
3. I’ve heard testing and tracking can help me make more money. What should I be testing and tracking?
4. My Blowout event went really well! How do I capitalize on my success?
5. I don’t have a big budget. How can I save money while getting this blowout marketing project off the ground?

Blowout Blueprint Email Templates – Recruit Partners
Imagine if you could recruit partners like this: you just pick up the phone and say, “Hey, I have this idea that could make us both a whole lot of money. You got a minute?”
That sort of laid-back approach will work with your closest friends. For everyone else, you’re going to need to create a compelling, high-response email that makes your blowout event irresistible to the potential partners!
The good news is you don’t need to create these email from scratch.
Get my proven template that you can copy, tweak and put to work to recruit plenty of partners!
Plus you’ll also get two follow-up email templates to use for when you don’t get a response or for those times when the partner says no.
Save yourself time and start getting more “yes” replies by putting these templates to work for you!

Blowout Blueprint Mistakes – And How To Avoid Them!
There’s one big mistake a whole lot of marketers make when they decide to put together their first blowout type event. And that mistake is to try to figure it all out on their own. (Crash and burn, baby!)
Fortunately, the fact that you’re even reading this tells me you’re not planning on making that mistake. You want to learn from other’s experiences and mistakes.
You want to do better.
Doing better starts right here, as you’re about to discover the top 10 mistakes most people make when creating their blowout offers – And more importantly how you can save yourself a lot of time and money by avoiding them!
Includes ten of the biggest mistakes with detailed examples and simple tweaks and tips you can use to ensure every blowout event you run goes super smoothly.

Blowout Blueprint Extras – 10 Ways To Max Profits!
One of the advantages of launching this type of offer is that you get to build a lot of assets. This includes:
Building a potentially huge prospect list.
Creating an engaged and happy customer list.
Generating goodwill among partners (which means they’ll do more profitable projects with you in the future).
Building solid relationships with your audience (so you can sell more products on the backend).
In turn, you can then leverage all of these assets to make even more money!
Bottom line: Blowout marketing is extremely profitable when done the right way. That’s why you’ll want to check out this eye-opening bonus, where you’ll discover 10 set it and forget it ways to make even more money from every blowout offer you create.

As you can see, there is a whole lot of information here that could add thousands of dollars to your bottom line, grow your list, and help you create great relationships with some of the top marketers in your niche.
So now you’re wondering: how much is the Blowout Marketing Blueprint?
Here’s where things start getting really good…
You’ve already seen how this complete and in-depth course along with the valuable extra bonuses could be worth thousands of dollars to you. Most people would jump on investing a few hundred dollars with an ROI like that.
But when you order now, you’ll get everything you see on this page for just $197!
But as you are here first you can save BIG
Act now and if you are one of the next 50 people to order you’ll save 50%
It only takes a couple sales of your first blowout deal to recoup this small investment… everything after is 100% profit!

Get Instant Access Now!
You'll get everything in downloadable PDF format.
Regular Price $197 -- Today Just $97 One Time
Blowout deals are really popular right now – and all you have to do to grab a piece of this action is click that button above and get started! Your purchase is backed by our 30 day money back guarantee
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