There’s No Need For Arm-Twisting, Mind Games or Hard-Sell Tactics To Get More People To Spend More Money With You!
"Discover How To Outsmart And Outsell Any Competitor In Any Niche With One Simple Surefire Strategy!"
Do you know why grocery stores give away free samples of food items?
Because they know that “trying” them leads to “buying” them. That is, if you try something and LIKE IT, then you’re much more likely to buy it than if you had never taken that sample bite.
This is a brilliant example of what has to be the most ethical, effective way to win customers, and it applies to whatever you’re selling too.
It’s simple. Give away excerpts of your content in hopes that “trying” leads to “buying” for your business.
But, here’s the thing: this only works if you do it the right way.
Whether it’s creating a first impression with a new prospect or the latest impression for a repeat customer, you’ll want to give away free content that showcases your best work so your audience can see the value of what you offer and the benefit it can be for them. Just like those free samples at the grocery store are intended to whet the appetite, your free content should cause the user to be hungry for more.
And it doesn't matter if you choose to deploy free content as the first stage of your sales funnel (lead magnet), the final stage of your sales funnel (backend offer) or somewhere in between, you will not have to resort to marketing mumbo-jumbo to get people to buy the next offer in your funnel.
You’ll simply amaze them with your free content and let them decide for themselves that you can help them.
Here’s how to do just that...
I Bank Tens of Thousands Of Dollars Every Year Simply Giving Stuff Away (And I've Been Doing It For Twenty Years!)
Introducing: Freemium Secrets
Free Content Should Help Members Of The Audience You Serve Go From Not-A-Customer To Paying Customer To Repeat Customer...
... You will appreciate this “no fluff, no filler” jam-packed course that is fully loaded with “easy-to-understand, easy-to-use” lessons.
You'll get dozens of tips, ideas and examples for getting more site visitors, subscribers and sales by distributing high-quality lead magnets, freemiums and other giveaways with no strings attached.
You’ll learn how to get new customers through “help” NOT “hype” so you be confident that your business is built to last.
Instant Access Digital Download PDF - Start Reading In The Next 20 Seconds!

Specifically, here are the ten lessons inSIDE in the Freemium Secrets course:
- The #1 Formula For Creating Free Content That Gets Customers Fast
- 10 Kinds Of Easy-To-Create Free Offers That Your Audience Is Sure To Love
- 50 Instant Ideas For What To Give Away To Your Audience For Free
- How To Choose A Topic And Title That Really Connects With Your Community
- Seven Keys To Creating Popular, Profitable Freemiums From The Beginning
- The Top 5 Mistakes People Make With Free Content (+What To Do Instead)
- Seven Ways To Create High-Quality Free Offers In 30 Minutes Or Less
- 20 "Set It And Forget It" Ideas For Distributing Free Content
- How To Give Away The "Just Right" Amount Of Content (Not Too Little/Much)
- Next Level Results: 7 Things You Can Do To "Help More, Profit More"
Each lesson in the course is approximately 4-7 pages making them easy to read, digest and put to work immediately. It is also perfect for beginners and up, simple enough that newbies can use it, and insightful enough that seasoned pros can glean from it. As usual, it is written in the style I’m known for … making things simple.
Where Does Free Content Fit Into Your Business ... And Why Are There Four F's In Success?
There are four parts to a successful sales funnel: a Free Offer, a Frontend Offer, a Foundational or Flagship offer and a Finishing offer. These are sometimes known as 'lead magnets', 'tripwires', 'core products' and 'backend' offers. (I call them the 'Four F's')
Freemium Secrets is the only course that reveals the smart way to create specific and highly effective free offers for your sales funnels.
Yes, these will serve as your “lead magnets” to start the sales process but they can also be inserted anywhere in your customer journey to turn on built-in streams of presell income. In fact, there are a whopping 20 ways to distribute your free content in your sales and marketing funnels that are covered in this course!
In Freemium Secrets you’ll learn how to create free content that brings benefits to your audience and profits to your business and it works like nothing you've seen before - pretty much on COMPLETE AUTOPILOT!
Listen: Prospects don’t like to get pitched, pitched, pitched all the time.
That doesn’t turn prospects into paying customers; it turns them off and it turns them away!
What you’re about to discover in this course is a way to genuinely HELP your audience, while at the same time, put a profit into your pocket. Did you catch that? You’re about to discover this ... you don’t have to figure it out on your own. I’ve been using and perfecting these strategies for over 20 years, and you can access them all in the next five minutes.
That leaves just one thing left to answer...

This is the part where you’re about to be pleasantly surprised. It’s just $37. [Act Now! Beat The Clock For Your Early Bird Discount]
You missed out!
You can download and dive into this 10-lesson course in minutes and discover how to use free content to generate more sales of all of your paid products. All you have to do to get started is order Freemium Secrets by clicking the 'Add To Cart' button below now…
Early Bird Offer Just $27 | Retail: $37 | Save 25%
Even Better... Because you showed up early, you'll receive some 'Must Have' bonus guides too...
These 3 'Power Strategy' guides are worth an additional $97 but you'll get them free when you order right now!

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Stop Looking Now... You’ve found the training that you need!

This is the most ethical, effective way to win customers... Freemium Secrets is a jam-packed, up-to-date course that includes only the essential best practices for creating lead magnets, freemiums and other giveaways that really do grow your business on autopilot and even in the toughest economic conditions and in ever more competitive marketplaces.
It's perfect for you if you need a simple, straightforward solution for creating the kind of free content that leads to paid content purchases. THE definitive course for turning “tryers” into “buyers”
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! You don’t have to say “yes” today. All you have to say is “maybe.” that’s because you have a full 30 days to review this course. Read every tip and strategy and put the information to work for you. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever, simply contact us within 30 days for a full and prompt refund. Order Now
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