Revealed: The Secrets Of Creating 7-15 Page Reports And Converting Them Into Products You Can Sell For $37, $97, $297 Even $997!
Discover the fastest way to create in-demand digital products your buyers will love...

"Get The System That Turns The Traditional 'Ebook' Self/Publishing Model On It's Head"
Read These 6 Convincing Reasons Why These "Small Reports" Are The Ideal Solution For You!
If you're new to selling info-products or if you've been unable to get started because of time constraints, let me quickly explain how with just a few 'tweaks' this business model can be the most lucrative, fun & hassle-free ways of making money today...
Since all the reports you'll sell will be in "digital" download format there's ZERO cost to deliver them to your buyers. That means when you sell a $10 small report you'll keep $10; Sell a $297 licensing package and you keep $297. (with almost zero overhead and just minimal processing fees)
I'll show you how to you can create a
highly salable small report in just 1-2 days (depending upon how fast you can write 7-15 pages ... I can do it in just a couple of hours). You can start from scratch (absolutely nothing) and actually start getting sales & making cash in around a week or less!
Creating a small report is very easy to do with my proven step-by-step system, much easier than trying to write a full-length book or even an 'ebook'. You only need 7-15 pages of content to make money! Then, you can bundle these small reports into "bundles" to grow your profit!
There's no limit on how much money you can make with this amazing yet easy to run web based business. With my unique "six-phases" plan, you can grow your info-empire for years to come and with price points from just a few bucks up to $997 and beyond.
The best part is you get to work your own schedule from wherever you want. This business model is totally portable. (Heck, I often write my small reports in the sunshine and drinking coffee down at a little cafe next to the beach by the end of my road!)
Don't worry! You don't need to know how to do anything to build a small reports business. If you can write 7-15 page reports (and I'll show you how) then you're good to go! Everything is explained in step-by-step detail so ANYONE can follow along.
Writing, selling and bundling small reports is a great business opportunity, and I'm going to show you exactly how it works!

This is my DELUXE, no-holds-barred, tell-all course for writing and selling 7-15 page reports.
Everything is included! If you're expecting to find something left out, then you're probably gonna go blind searching for it. :) There's simply nothing missing from this incredible, step-by-step course...
How To Choose A Highly-Profitable "Market"
One of the things that I teach (that most others don't), is how to choose a "market" instead of a "niche". Why? Because there's much more money to be made this way! (I'll explain it all inside.) You'll learn 3 rules for choosing the best market that you can sell into for years to come, as well as a complete list of 20 researched markets that are proven revenue-zones.

How To Come Up With The Perfect Idea For A Report.
In this section you'll discover my 2 essential "criteria" for coming up with a profitable report topic plus 7 of my favorite "idea hangouts" where you'll find hundreds of winning topics to create small reports on. Even if you have absolutely no clue as to what to sell right now, you'll be soon fizzing with dozens of profitable ideas after reading this module.
How To Write P.A.G.E.S. Of High Demand Content.
You'll discover more than just "what" to write, you'll also discover exactly HOW to write your small report. I've included lots of valuable information on brainstorming, outlining, organizing and actually writing up your small report fast (and guaranteed to sell like crazy). Even if you are a complete beginner (and don't consider yourself a "writer") you'll be cranking out page after page of red-hot content with these shortcuts.

How To Package, Price and Position Your Small Report.
You get everything you need to know about formatting (I'm talking how to create headers/footers, margins, fonts, indentations - EVERYTHING) your small reports, determining the perfect price for your small report (I have 3 success principles that no one else talks about) and even a superb mini tutorial on "positioning" your small report so it will stand out from others (meaning you get to charge more and sell more!)
How To Create A Small Report Mini-Sales Letters.
In this section (which is worth as much as you'll pay for the entire course!) you'll find my detailed, step-by-step copywriting walk through. We'll cover the entire sales letter creation process - All eleven key parts. Along with examples and screenshots for each part - to help you craft copy that will generate sales for your small report. You don't need to purchase any high-priced copywriting course or hire a high-priced copywriter, you can do it yourself with this simple, proven system.

How To S.E.T.U.P. A Web Site To Sell Your Small Reports.
I won't leave you hanging once you've gotten your small report ready to sell ... We'll walk through all the steps for setting up your web site (from scratch!) including registering a domain, setting up hosting, building an HTML page, getting automated order-processing, uploading files and testing the entire process to make sure everything is working properly.
It's all explained in user-friendly language that even a beginner can understand and follow. No more trying to "figure it out" on your own!
How To Turn Small Reports Into A Six-Figure Business.
This is a never-before-revealed strategy that can turn tiny reports into a six figure publishing business... Even if you've created info-products for years, this PRICELESS plan reveals tactics around creating an info-empire that you've never seen before! I reveal EVERYTHING in the "six phases" of a six-figure business using only small reports. Each of these phases build upon the previous ones to create a multi-profits-stream business that will grow month after month. It's the ultimate guide to "bundling" small reports into products and offers you can roll out for HUGE PROFITS!

As you can see, there isn't anything for you to figure out on your own here; no more 'spinning your wheels' searching for the missing pieces to the puzzle.
It's ALL here in an easy-to-follow training manual that takes you from zero to sales.
When You Complete This Course, You'll Be Ready To Immediately Launch Your First Small Report

There are seven modules in the Small Reports Fortune program that cover everything you need to know in order to create - and sell - your first small report within just one week.
Dive in now - Toggle the tabs below and let me share with you a few of the highlights from each section:

Are You A Beginner? Read This...
If you're a newcomer and you're wondering, "Can someone who's a complete beginner do this?" - the answer is a definite "YES"!
I've created this course to be user-friendly to those just starting out which means I've left no detail unexplained.
Everything is systematically arranged in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that includes everything you need to actually start from nothing and make money... even if you have absolutely no experience!
Are You Experienced? Read This...
If you're already familiar with creating info products, then you'll love Small Reports Fortune for two reasons:
1. You'll learn a system that is certain to help you make more money with less effort!
2. You'll learn my proprietary, never-before-seen system (6-Phases) for turning tiny, 7-15 page reports into products you can offer for $97, $297 even $997!
With the numerous shortcuts revealed and an insider's look at how to really cash-in on tiny info-products, you'll refer to this course over and over again!
In Fact Let Me Challenge You To Beat This system With What You're Currently Doing...
I can write a 10-page report in two hours or less. I can create a mini-sales letter for it in another hour. Setting up a site takes half an hour max. In just three and a half hours I can have a completely new manual to sell for $9.97 - it's not uncommon for me to sell hundreds of these.
But, that's not the end of it. I can invest a few more hours, recycle the content and convert that small report into a premium-priced product that rakes in $97.00 or more. I can setup a membership site with 12 of these reports and get $20 monthly residual income for a year. I can sell licensing to a bundle of these reports for $297.00 or more. I can input some personal email Q&A and sell it as an 'High Ticket' e-class for $997.
Amazing: In the typical time (8 hours) someone else spends a day on the job that they get paid once to work, you could create a stream of income that pays off handsomely for months and even years to come.
These small reports are so easy to write that you'll find even in your sparest of time you can crank them out.
That's what I love about them - it doesn't take much time at all to write a dozen or so pages of information. And in the typical amount of time most folks would spend a day at their regular "job", you could easily create a small and profitable report using the exact same system, shortcuts and templates that you can access in the next five minutes - It's potentially life changing!
Making money by selling information is nothing new. The problem is, up until now, most people work way too hard at it...
Book Writers are working way too hard! Trying to find a publisher can take a long time and rejections are hard to take. Self-publishing is costly and time-consuming. Even getting a book into circulation rarely means "real" money for most writers.
Ebook Authors are working way too hard! Many people who START an ebook never FINISH it. Why? Because writing a 75-100 page manual (or even more!) isn't easy. And, even if you do get it done, you've worked hard at it for an extended period of time. The average ebook author that I've talked to, who actually gets their ebook written, spends about 2-3 months writing it.
Info Publishers are working way too hard! Many people who sell huge physical products (DVDs, manuals, binders, the works) at a premium price spend ages creating the materials, finding product duplication services, fulfilling orders, handling returns. Come on, who wants to work that hard when in a lot of cases you can make just as much money in 1/10th of the time?
Bloggers are working way too hard! They write blog posts all the time (and probably enjoy it, no doubt) to get active visitors regularly read their stuff so they can keep selling advertising (ever try to find advertisers??) or in the hopes of getting readers to buy an affiliate offer. Or, if they create their own books, ebooks, information products, they have to do all of the hard work PLUS manage their blog! Yikes!
I don't know about you, but I'd much rather spend time enjoying life and having fun!

Get Access To "Small Reports Fortune" Now For JUST A SINGLE PAYMENT OF $97
Try It Out For A Full Month You've got 30 days to use the course to see if it works for you. If you're not thoroughly satisfied, then you can simply email me and I'll give your full purchase price back to you. It's that simple. No questions asked. No hassles. No delays. I'll send it back to you just as fast as you sent it to me.
PLUS+ ORDER NOW AND GET these 5 bonuses

I've created 4 exclusive bonuses for you when you get Small Reports Fortune today. They're exclusive to this offer and included to give you added value (they enhance the training!) - They will never be available ANYWHERE ELSE!
Bonus #1 -
7-Day Checklist For Creating A Report
In this report, you'll get a systematic checklist broken down into daily activities for you to complete.
Assignments appear in chronological order, completely cover the entire process of creating a small report from start to finish and refer to specific pages of the main manual and bonuses to provide complete, detailed instructions for completing each assignment.
Bonus #3 -
Get 7 incredible techniques for writing faster, easier and better!
Included in this invaluable reference (this is *literally* worth more than the cost of the course by itself!) are 9 kinds of "content enhancers," 50 different idea catalyst templates, dozens of writer prompts and techniques to help you improve both the quantity and quality of your finished products.
Bonus #2 -
50 Red Hot Ideas For Your Next Report
Get 50 different categories for your next small report, along with over 270 different titles you can modify for your own use in generating ideas.
By mixing and matching from this one-of-a-kind index (you won't find anything like this available anywhere else for any fee!) you'll be able to quickly choose red-hot ideas anytime you choose without time-consuming research!
Bonus #4 -
Beginner's Guide reports Promotion
In this exclusive report, you'll receive a crash-course in getting people to your site to actually buy your small report.
Get information on promoting your small report both offline and online - with flyers, business cards, door hangers, newspaper ads, eBay, forums, pay-per-click advertising, and more. So you can quickly get started promoting & profiting from your small report.
Get Access To "Small Reports Fortune" Now FOR JUST A SINGLE PAYMENT OF $97
Here's a quick summary of everything that's included with this must have program:
- The Small Reports Fortune manual (in PDF format).
- The 7-Day Checklist For Creating A Small Report.
- 50 Red-Hot Ideas For Your Next Small Report.
- How To Improve Your Information W.R.I.T.I.N.G.
- The Beginner's Guide To Promoting A Small Report.
That's good, right? Better still is the fact that you can be diving into these goodies in the next five minutes.
Best of all, you could be making money from all of this in just a few short days.
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