Tag: Affiliate Marketing
10 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money, but it’s not necessarily as easy as it sounds. Too many affiliate marketers are actually making HUGE mistakes that cost them time, money, and may even hurt their reputations permanently.
The Affiliate Marketer’s Guide to Choosing a Profitable Niche
Do you know the first step you absolutely must take if you want to be a successful affiliate marketer? Many people get it wrong.
Five Quick Ways to Boost Your Affiliate Commissions
Plenty of affiliate marketers – and that includes your competition – simply direct their traffic to the vendor’s sales page and hope for the best. If you do the same thing, you might pick up a sale or two through sheer luck. But you’ll make many MORE sales and enjoy BIGGER commission checks if you…
Choosing a Business Model
Internet marketing is full of a lot of choices, and your first choice is deciding on which business model you are going to follow. If you don’t make this choice carefully, you’ll find yourself hopping from business model to business model, spending money on programs and “secrets,” and not making any profits at all.