Before you continue to your download page here's an opportunity to ramp up profits with a perfect ready made upsell for your new buyers

Offer Them FREEDOM!

Building/running any kind of membership site takes time and work - It's a daunting task for solo entrepreneurs and many fail simply because they get overwhelmed...  Here's a solution to save them time, effort and money - And the perfect upgrade offer for your sale funnel:

One of the smartest things any entrepreneur can do for their growing business is to learn how to make it as hands-free as possible.

And one great step towards a hands-free business is learning how to outsource.

But let’s face it…  

Outsourcing can be a real pain in the neck!

The idea of it sounds great on paper.

But then you hire a freelancer and the results are…  Well, let’s just say they can be very disappointing. (To say the least.)

A waste of time. And yes, a waste of money.

This happens even when you’ve selected a great freelancer. They can have hundreds of positive reviews and decades of experience.

And then you hire them, and it doesn’t feel like you’re getting their best work.

You almost wonder what kind of scam they’re running to get all those positive reviews.

Heads up…


There’s a Reason Most Business Owners Fail To Get Good Results With Outsourcing – But It’s REALLY Easy to Fix!

Here’s why…

Most entrepreneurs just never learned how to create a project description or brief that attracts top talent or gets them great results!

This isn’t their fault. Most people have no clue how to do it. And that’s why most people get poor/subpar results.  

But now you can help them change things up and do more than they ever thought possible...

Introducing Task Templates [PLR Special]

Task Templates

50 Essential Project Description Templates for Getting Projects Completed Exactly Right the First Time!

That’s right, you’re about to get your hands a license to 50 detailed and clear project description templates for the most commonly outsourced online business tasks including dozens of essential tasks for building, promoting and running a membership site.

All your buyers have to do is copy the job description template of their choice, tweak it to fit their needs, and upload it to outsourcing sites  or jobs board! These descriptions will help your buyers attract the right talent, and it will help their freelancer deliver awesome results!

So, what’s all included in these templates? Take a look…

50 'Fill In The Blanks' Task Templates:

  • 1. Craft an Autoresponder Series
  • 2. Create a Tripwire Product
  • 3. Do Graphic Design for a Cheat Sheet
  • 4. Write Blog Posts
  • 5. Craft a Sales Letter
  • 6. Write a Press Release
  • 7. Design a Website
  • 8. Install and Customize a Script
  • 9. Do Interior Design for an Ebook
  • 10. Create a Video
  • 11. Create a Slide-Share Presentation
  • 12. Optimize Sales Page Conversions
  • 13. Optimize a Blog
  • 14. Research a Market
  • 15. Do Product Research
  • 16. Design a Logo
  • 17. Create a Slogan
  • 18. Create an Advertisement
  • 19. Launch a Facebook Ad Campaign
  • 20. Design a Banner Graphic
  • 21. Create a Rebrandable Report.
  • 22. Do Voiceover Narration
  • 23. Research Social Media Hashtags
  • 24. Grow Social Media Followers
  • 25. Launch and Manage a Contest
  • 26. Craft a Lead Page
  • 27. Edit/Proof Content
  • 28. Edit a Video
  • 29. Tweak PLR Content
  • 30. Transcribe Multimedia Content
  • 31. Convert an Ebook into a Kindle Book
  • 32. Turn a Digital Book Into a Physical Book
  • 33. Design Cover Graphics
  • 34. Develop an App/Software/Plugin
  • 35. Set Up an Ecommerce Platform
  • 36. Do a Website Audit
  • 37. Create Guest Articles
  • 38. Find/Submit Guest Blogging Opportunities
  • 39. Find and/or Recruit JV Partners
  • 40. Plan Overall Marketing Strategy
  • 41. Set Up a Membership Site
  • 42. Stock a Membership Site With Content
  • 43. Plan a Sales Funnel
  • 44. Provide Keyword Research
  • 45. Do SEO Work
  • 46. Participate in Communities
  • 47. Find and Land Guest Interviews
  • 48. Provide Reporting
  • 49. Create Documentation for a Help Desk
  • 50. Create a Udemy Course

As you can see, there’s something for everyone in this package of templates… Great for membership marketers, business owners (and anyone struggling to get everything done themselves!)

These project descriptions are great for membership builders, but also for a wide variety of online business owners and marketers too, including:

  • Info-product marketers
  • Bloggers
  • Coaches
  • Membership Builders
  • Authors
  • App Developers
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Speakers
  • Ecommerce Store Owners

So if you have customers in any of these areas this license could make you a fortune (and turn you into their hero!)

But... I want to make sure you can share all the outsourcing 'tricks of the trade' too...  and to guarantee that your buyers always get the best results, I have added a super useful extra bonus to this deal for you (includes PLR):

Time and Money Book
Task Templates

Time and Money

The Secrets To Rapid Business Growth With Hands-Free Outsourcing.

One of the best things anyone can do for their business is to learn how to make it as hands-free as possible. And as you already know, one smart step towards a hands-free business is learning how to outsource.

Now if your buyers have never done this before, they might be scratching their head...  How, exactly, do I go about figuring out what to outsource, and then finding a good freelancer to complete the task?

That's what this bonus guide 'Time and Money' is about.

Teach them a proven four-step process which includes:

  • Determining Needs: Where, what and when to outsource.
  • Advertising Jobs: How to write a good job description.
  • Evaluating & Hiring Freelancers: How to do due diligence.
  • Managing Projects: How to ensure your projects go smoothly.

Grab this with your Task Templates license today and you'll be able to sell as your own my exact, four-step process for finding, hiring and managing freelancers - your buyers will benefit from safer, more effective outsourcing when used with their Task Templates kit.

Bottom Line: If they have a membership or any other online business, then they have a need for outsourcing. And this package of 50 project descriptions makes it easier than ever to get their freelancer’s very best work so it's perfect for any sales funnel!


Here’s where things start getting really good… because you've already purchased Membership Formula and Membership Profits I want to offer you this additional license with a $50 discount  (making it a no brainer to grab now and add to your new sales funnels)...

You'll get the templates and bonus guide in editable .docx format for you to rebrand and sell as your own. You also get a professionally crafted sales letter in .docx format along with an editable cover graphic in .psd/.png formats. 

Simply format to match your brand, add your order button, stick into your sales funnel and you‘re ready to ramp up your ROI! 

Your 'Customers Only' private deal on this PLR license right now is just a single payment of $47.

Task Templates

Only Available on this page today!

YOU WILL RECEIVE:  Instant download of the task templates and guidebook in editable .Docx & PDF formats, editable cover graphic/s and sales letter in .Docx format + editable cheat sheet.

continue without adding this extra license (remember this deal does not exist beyond this one time offer page) CLICK HERE


Get Double The Benefits!

Grab the license, sell the collection and use it too...

Even if you only use a handful of these templates in your own business, you’ll come out way ahead because you’ll save yourself from wasting time and money. And I'm betting you’ll use these templates all the time in your business, which makes them a really great deal!

Don’t risk wasting hundreds or even thousands of dollars by getting subpar work from a freelancer. Use these templates yourself and get the job done right the first time! Get the discounted PLR license now and start saving yourself time and money (as well as making it)!

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All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. This site and the products/services offered are not associated, affiliated or endorsed by any business listed on this site nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by any other company.