Beyond The Product Launch Model

Unless you’ve just parachuted into the online marketing industry this morning it’s going to be no big secret that most marketers aren’t getting rich selling single info-products…  Of course, there’s always the exception and some sellers who do this make an okay living –

Maybe you’re happy with that? (And if so that’s fine).

But if you got into this business to do more than just make “hobby money” then keep reading…

“Is a “SALES FUNNEL” the answer?”

YES & NO (and most likely ‘NO’)

Sure, having a sales funnel can be better than not having one.  But a funnel on its own isn’t going to make you rich either.  (Irrespective of the current hype that surrounds them) And especially NOT if you’re trying to replicate what most of the self-styled marketing ‘experts’ are doing and teaching people to do right now.


You give away something cool, build a list of subscribers and sell them a product.  Then during the buying process, you sell them something else (in a funnel).

If you’ve drunk the proverbial coolaid and jumped on the whole “funnel bandwagon” it might seem almost inevitable that the next stop is Millionaireville?

But wait!  Before you order the Ferrari or make a down-payment on that beachfront pad you’ve had your eye on, consider this reality check:

Typically less than half of your visitors will take the ‘freebie’ on offer (even if you have a KILLER landing page and an awesome lead magnet).

And of those who opt-in, only around 10% will ever buy your front-end/tripwire offer and then roughly the same percentage of those buyers will go on to pick up more offers in your funnel.

100 Visitors = 50 Subscribers = 5Customers = 1 Multi-Buyer

If you’re paying for traffic, you’ll be lucky to break even on the front end.  And unless you’re prepared to invest/risk a lot of cash on paid traffic (in the hope everything works to plan) it’ll take some time for you to just break even at all.

Why?  Well because the last time I looked:  Landing pages, lead magnets, tripwire offers, high ticket upsells and all the tools, platforms, outsourcing and the moving parts you’ll need to make this model work don’t come cheap.

But what about FREE TRAFFIC?

Sure, let’s consider that too:  If your plan is to steer away from paid traffic and to harness the efforts of thousands of eager affiliates (or to track down some mystical JV Partner who’s sat idly by and just waiting for your email) GOOD LUCK!

If you decide to go this route it becomes almost impossible to scale your business and it’ll eat up more of your time than the Cookie Monster on a post OG Kush ‘munchie’ frenzy.


I hear you…  And I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to read so far.

So here goes.

The answer is simple, it comes in TWO parts:

  1. You need a list of buyers
  2. You need those buyers to be repeat buyers


GLAD YOU ASKED!  What took you so long?

Plenty of people know how to build mailing lists, but those mailing lists DON’T generate cash.  (That’s what happens when you build a list of tire-kickers and freebie seekers).



That’s how this TWO-STEP PLAN for selling LOTS of information products works.  This isn’t theory. I practice what I preach (I’ve also tested the c*%p out of pretty much everything else in the last 20 years I’ve been doing this…  And nothing works better).

Here’s how I do it, and HOW YOU CAN TOO…



The idea here is to create a training program that lasts for 52 weeks (i.e., you deliver one lesson per week for a year).

This should be your ‘flagship’ product, which means you direct ALL your marketing efforts into selling this course.

Let me give you a few examples of yearlong training programs:

  • The 52 Secrets of Writing Killer Copy
  • How to Lose 50 or More Pounds This Year
  • How to Start & Grow a Profitable Business

You’ll charge a one-time fee for this course, I’d recommend you set that at $97.  Then you’ll deliver new content every week to your buyers.

There are four BIG benefits of this model:

1.   You can create content as you go. All you need to do is create a few weeks’ worth of content before you promote the course. Then you just need to create content every week to deliver to your buyers.

2.  Every person on this list is a buyer. Not a prospect, not a tire-kicker, not a freebie seeker. Every person is a proven buyer.

3.  Affiliates (if you choose this path for your traffic) will be far more inclined to recommend a $97 offer with 50%/75% commission than a freebie or low priced and therefore equally low commissioned, ‘tripwire’ product.

4.  You’ll now have your buyers’ attention for a full year. Every week for 52 weeks and these buyers will be opening your emails to get what they paid for. Every week you’ll send them a new lesson, but you’ll also be promoting other offers on the backend.

Which brings us to the second step…



There are a whole lot of different ways you can make money on the backend of your yearlong training program. However, one of the best and most profitable ways to do it is by SELLING YOUR OWN PRODUCTS.

Ideally, these should be $97 PREMIUM products.

Why?  Well first, a $97 product is an easy sell when your list of buyers has already purchased your $97 training program.  They have good ‘form’

And secondly, profits from $97 products add up REALLY FAST.

You create one premium product per month and recommend it 4 times (within each of the 4 lessons that you’ll be sending for that month – 5 if you send out an ‘end of month’ recap message with a summary of the month’s lessons)

IMAGINE…  You sell just 50 of these premium per month, that’s an extra $4,850 in your pocket (on top of whatever you’re making on the frontend). If you sell 150 of them each month, that’s a very tidy $14,550 in EXTRA profits every month.

BREAKING IT DOWN:  In your first year it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say you could sell 1,000 copies of your main yearlong program.  (it’s just 3 copies a day and I know you can do better than that, especially because it should be the main focus of your marketing)

And then from those 1,000 buyers it’ll be easy enough to convince at least 10% (typically it’s around 15-25%) to pick up that month’s premium offering.

Let’s assume that getting people in front of your yearlong program takes up half of the sale revenue (it might not cost you anything if you already have an audience and existing traffic) but let’s say half is gone on either ads or commissions.

That gives you 1,000 x $48.50 = $48,500

Now add to that 100 (monthly premium buyers) x $97 (@100% profit) x 12 months = $116,400


And if you create evergreen content you can run the offer for years on autopilot and then maybe create another… and another…

Starting to see the BIG PICTURE yet?

Plug in your own numbers and do the math… it’s all very profitable!

Now some folks think they can’t create a $97 product every month, but that’s just underestimating yourself.  All you have to do is create something related to your yearlong program.  Let me give you a couple examples…

Let’s suppose you’re selling a course on starting a business.  Your $97 backend products might include:

  • A training video that shows people how to write good sales copy.
  • An in-depth manual on how to get traffic using social media.
  • A one-week course in how to create premium products.

And so on. If you want to boost the perceived value of a monthly premium product, then offer:

  • Advanced training.
  • Video training.
  • A live webinar.
  • A multi-part add-on course.
  • Live coaching, such as a headline critique.

Okay Let’s Wrap Things Up…  If you’re struggling to sell info-products using the traditional “freebie that leads to entry-level products” model, it’s time to up your game.

I guarantee you, you could do that forever and you won’t get RICH!!

So aim for high-quality subscriber/buyers by selling a $97 yearlong training program on the frontend, and then create a new $97 product each month to sell to these proven buyers on the backend!  It’s possible.  It works!  You could do it too!

Now there’s no pitch here (sorry if you were expecting one) – I’ve already shared the strategy with you and I’ve no special platform, secret resources or magical software tools that’ll make this all happen for you…

…  Sorry but there’s no ‘magic button’ to click!

Truth is you can run this entire business with a WordPress blog with a decent theme and an autoresponder account (both of which I’m guessing you already have) but I will take a couple of recommendations to my products that will certainly help you implement this strategy.


Yes you’ll need it (for both your yearlong course and the monthly premiums and let’s be honest EVERYWHERE else).

You might not amazing at this? – Don’t worry!

You don’t have to be born with a natural talent for writing.  It’s a learn-able skill. (Actually, if you follow this first recommendation it’s copy/paste easy).

So if the idea of creating kick ass content sounds like a deal breaker for you right now, then take a look at the monster we now keep hidden from public view (seriously we don’t offer this publicly anymore but I’ll give you a backdoor link below) it’s called the “Content Marketing Vault”


To my knowledge, there’s nothing like this on the market. I really believe you’ve never seen anything like this anywhere. And I’m convinced you won’t find a better way to become a better writer.  ​The CMV gives you everything you need to know about creating content in any shape and size.  It’s a lifetime of insight in one package.

You’ll get an entire arsenal of fill-in-the-blank templates, swipes and content creation tools to create engaging, traffic pulling and profit making content at warp speed.

Think about it…  If this saves you just a couple hours of time, then it will pay for itself immediately. Or maybe you’ll use it to instantly create a compelling sales letter, in which case you’ll recoup your investment fast once you make a few sales!

Simply put, this package is an excellent investment for your business and I guarantee it will become your ‘go to’ resource when you’re creating both your yearlong and your monthly premium products.  If you already own it great ????

If not (why not?) go get it now -> CLICK HERE <- (and I promise you whether you work on this strategy or not, the Content Marketing Vault will become an essential part of your online success.)

Okay moving on:  And this is the second and final recommendation for two courses that come together.

You’ll see what I mean here:  DIGITAL RICHES

Okay this course has NOTHING to do with this ‘yearlong’ strategy. 

Seriously, it doesn’t…

…  But it will give you a true insight into what the world’s most successful digital product sellers know about making HUGE PROFITS with every sale.  And how to double, triple even quadruple the value of each customer that comes through your door – RIGHT NOW!

There are 24 revenue-boosting methods in all – There’s something for every business model, every digital product seller and information product business owner!

So it will certainly come in handy right?

But when you visit that page and click the order button, you’ll see a second offer to pick up another course THAT YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD STUDY!

That’s called ‘PREMIUM PRODUCT PROFITS’ and the only way to get it is as an add-on with Digital Riches  (you can skip straight to that offer here)

Now listen up.  You’re going to be creating those monthly premiums and this second course is going to help you do it WITH KNOBS ON!

Here’s a quick breakdown of what’s inside the ‘PREMIUM PRODUCT PROFITS’ course:

  • How to create your premium product in 24 hours (With a full hour by hour breakdown)
  • 20 Product blueprints you can copy (with LOTS of ideas and inspiration with examples)
  • The 3 ‘golden rules’ of product research (learn how to avoid all the many pitfalls)
  • 3 Product TITLE secrets you need to know (your title can make a break your offer so discover how to get it right)
  • 9 ‘Content Enhancers’ your buyers will love (add these for real polish and presentation)
  • How To Package, Price & Position Products for MAXIMUM Sales and Customer Satisfaction.
  • The real difference between $17 & $97 products (+ how to create with tools you already own)
  • 3 ‘Perception Points’ that are guaranteed to boost the value perception of your products.

Plus the course also comes with 3 Fill-In-The-Blanks sales letter swipe/templates (Just choose a template then copy and paste for easy sales)

I’ve used these same templates over and over again – It’s PROVEN money making copy that gets results, they’ll save you a ton of time or the expense of hiring a copywriter as skilled as what I am ????

Plus (and this is going to come in super handy) you’ll get my Email Mini Course Promotion Blaster

This is another fill-in-the-blanks “Any Niche” 5 Day Email Mini-Course (use this to build a list and promote any product. Personalize it anyway you want or model it for your yearlong lessons)

The crazy thing is you can pick up both courses right now for less than $20 (at time of writing)

Go to the front page here and read it all, or dive directly into the double up deal page here.

That’s it.  You have the strategy, you know how it works and why you need to try it.  And now you have a couple of useful resources to check out that I know will help you get started a lot faster.

Get to work