Get Video Marketing XRAY VISION…

When people tell you that using video in your marketing is a ‘surefire way to increase your profits‘ it’s only half true…

You see for video marketing to be truly effective, you also have to KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE INSIDE AND OUT.

When the guidebooks say ‘create compelling videos‘ how can you if you have no idea what compels your audience?

So for video marketing to really work (and for you to sell and earn more every time you make a video) you need to engage in lots of market research otherwise you may as well not bother.

You need to delve into the minds and ambitions of your prospects and customers, because when you do, you’ll soon see just how effective video can be.

What Does Your Audience Want?

The first goal of a video marketer, or of any marketer for that matter, is to find out what the audience wants and needs.

  • What goals are they trying to reach?
  • What is holding them back?
  • What problems are they facing?

Once you have this information, videos will become that much easier to plan out and script.

Now one of the easiest and cost free ways to discover what your audience is into is to monitor some popular forums and social networks in your niche.


Because when people face a problem, it’s common for them to take to forums and social networks to find similar people going through the same thing.

On forums, people will create threads that essentially ask:

“Is anyone else going through something similar?”

Make it your job to search these forums and social networks until you find the problems that your audience WANT TO SOLVE or the goals that they desperately want to reach.

Then armed with your list, you’ll be ready to create compelling and amazingly powerful videos.

Educate and Entertain – Once you fire up your Marketing ‘XRay Vision’ you’ll know what makes your audience tick and you can make videos that appeal to your prospects and customers so much more than before.

This extra step (even though it takes a little time) will give you an advantage over every one of your competitors that neglects it!

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… and here’s something that can help speed up the research process.


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[su_pullquote]To learn more video marketing tips and tricks make sure pay a visit to Video Profits Fastlane

And if want to discover another 25+ simple tweaks you can make to increase your conversions then check out our all time best selling “Order Boosters” course here [/su_pullquote]

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