Top 10 Reasons Facebook Marketing is Good for Business

Still not convinced that you need Facebook for marketing purposes? Think you have it handled with your website and online ads and whatever else you are doing for marketing purposes?

You may want to reconsider.

Let’s take a look at the top ten reasons Facebook can be great for your bottom line.

1. Popularity

This is the most obvious reason to use Facebook. There are nearly Two Billion users!

That means your audience most likely uses Facebook and is waiting for you to make an entrance. Don’t keep them waiting.

2. Ease Of Use

Facebook spends a lot of time and conducts numerous user surveys to ensure the platform’s ease-of-use for all users. Believe it or not there are people who use Facebook that don’t know a thing about computers. They know how to log into Facebook and that’s it. That’s how easy the platform is to use and get into.

3. Various Ways To Engage In Facebook Marketing

With Facebook ads, apps, iFrame pages and more, you have all kinds of marketing functionality at your fingertips. You can create the ultimate Facebook presence using your very own brand if you utilize all those abilities to their fullest. Why wouldn’t you want to use that kind of marketing tool?

4. Keeping Up With The Joneses

If you aren’t using Facebook, chances are your competitors are. If you want to remain competitive, you’ve got to step up to the plate. You need a Facebook business profile page.

5. It Works

Facebook marketing isn’t in your face like a lot of other marketing is. Facebook marketing is about letting your customers come to you. It’s about providing a great Facebook experience while exposing your brand and what you can do to all your fans.

6. Potential To Go Viral

Facebook is about sharing your thoughts, ideas and multimedia with your friends and fans. If you share something related to your business and it’s suddenly passed around at an exponential rate, you’ve just expanded your brand awareness in a major way. The potential is there for mass exposure, but you can’t go viral if you don’t get on Facebook.

Tip:  Click Here to read about our ‘Going Viral’ crash course.

7. Better Customer Service

The ability to speak to customers and fans in real time is an invaluable experience that is cornerstone to true customer service. When you can answer questions and resolve concerns quickly and easily, you will gain a bigger and more loyal following.

8. More Brand Loyalty

The more people see your logo, your brand colors, your content, and everything else that has to do with your business, the more familiarity they will begin to feel. This familiarity keeps your business in the backs of their minds. Then, the next time they want what you’re offering, they’ll be more likely to choose you over competitors.

9. More Long Term Success

Facebook is about being social and building trust with your audience. The more you post and the more you share with your audience, the stronger the bond between you will become. Your customers will soon be so comfortable with you they will want to buy from you instead of anyone else.

10. It’s Free!

Facebook doesn’t cost a thing to make a Facebook business page. That means you have no more excuses. So, get on Facebook right now and start marketing.

Your competitors are probably logged into Facebook right now. Why aren’t you?

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To learn more about creating the ultimate Facebook Marketing presence that brings more customers and business to your virtual doorstep Click Here To Read More

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