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Why is Everyone Jumping on the Public Domain Bandwagon and Why You Should Too?

Public Domain is the next “in” thing in online marketing. There’s a lot of buzz around it and everyone seems to be teaming with all these novel and “new” ideas on how to monetize the content they find in the Public Domain. Although, it’s true that Public domain is getting a lot of attention these days but the idea that it’s a new idea is simply not true.

Business geniuses like Walt Disney and Ted Turner built their entire empires on content they found and reused from the Public domain.

The revitalization of Public Domain content to make money digitally has been quietly going on for a while now too. The reason you should join in this incredibly profitable venture should not be based entirely on the media debate and the controversy surrounding Public domain.

There are a number of other more rewarding reasons you should give it the proverbial ‘go’.

Here are some of the advantages of using Public Domain content to fuel your marketing and/or business venture online:

Free of Cost: Everything in the Public Domain is free for anyone to use in anyway they wish to. That’s not where it stops though, if you source your content entirely from the Public Domain, which you should do then you won’t need to hire any freelancers. You can do everything yourself and have quality control over every aspect.

Time Efficient: In the same vein, finding content pre-created and ready for either digitizing and/or a little repackaging saves a lot of time.

Climb the Ladder Faster: This is probably the best thing about using Public Domain content, you become an instant authority by simply attaching your name to someone who already is an influence. You will still need to put in the work to get your site the traffic but you won’t have to build your expertise in the area from scratch.

List Building made Easy: Using Public Domain content list building is easier than any other form of marketing with the same rewards. You can create short reports, tutorials, autoresponders series, newsletters, ebooks etc. and give them away to build yourself a formidable list in your niche. If your content is well known and well liked it is sure to not only get you subscribers, but also get you subscribers who are invested enough in your niche to convert, when the time comes.

Bring Home the Buttered Bread: No matter what your skill set or area of expertise you can find something in the Public domain that your can recycle, reproduce or resell as is to make a lot of money. With a zero investment model like reusing Public Domain content that is replenished on a daily basis for you to use you can have a sustainable business.

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