Info Product Creation Tips, Tricks and Hacks

If you’re in the business of selling information products, then you’re definitely creating a lot of these products. That’s because you need a complete sales funnel, from your lead magnet to your core offer to your backend products – and everything in between.

So if you’re like most info-product creators, you’re always looking for hacks to make the creation process easier and to make sure you have a great end result. That’s exactly what you get below, so read on…

Be Sure Your Product Is in Demand

Don’t even think about creating a product until you’ve done your market research, as there’s no use creating a product if no one is going to buy it.

What you need to do is find out what people are already buying in your market, and then create something similar but better, you could also look for price gaps that you could plug or alternatively create something that’s complimentary to an existing best selling product (which could also open up partnership potential with other sellers that already have lists of highly targeted prospects for your product).

Good places to start digging are:, and

Also remember to think ahead – Whenever you create a product, you should be thinking about how this product fits into a new or existing sales funnel. This includes everything from the lead magnet to the core offer to backend offers.

If you can’t figure out how a product fits into a sales funnel, then you’ll want to ask yourself why you’re even creating it.

Create Products Faster

Consider these ideas for making more products in less time:

  • Outsource. This is the fastest way to create a lot of products very quickly, and it frees up your time to focus on other high-value tasks.  It may take some time to find the right outsourcer but the rewards can be worth it in the long term.  If you don’t want to outsource an entire project think of hiring someone to undertake research or edit/proof your end products.
  • Use private label rights content. Just be sure to tweak it to make it unique.  [TIP:  Study Profit From PLR and learn how to leverage PLR the right way – includes full step by step training, process maps, checklists & worksheets, extra supplements and even a high-ticket PLR bonus package to get you started]
  • Repurpose existing content. For example, turn a collection of your best blog posts into a short report. Or you can take a series of short reports and turn them into a bigger course.  And the opposite, splinter off a piece of a larger product (such as a home study course) to sell separately. This brings in new front end income, plus it also helps you effortlessly sell the main product on the backend.
  • Use speech to text technology. If you’re creating text products, you might find it faster to write them if you use software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking.
  • Do webinars. This takes about an hour of your time, yet you’ll have a product you can give away to generate leads or sell for months or years to come.  [TIP:  In Winning Webinar Secrets you’ll find 10 tools and resources that give you everything you need to impress your audience, fill your webinar seats, and generate loads of post-webinar sales!]


Offer Multimedia

Not everyone learns in the same way. That’s why, whenever possible, you should seek to offer multiple versions of your product (text, audio and video) to accommodate people’s individual preferences.  You can turn your text content into audios, videos or even physical products.

Remember you don’t necessarily have to do any of this yourself. Instead, you can hire a freelance writer to do all of this for you.

Note:  We’ve had great success hiring professional voice actors for audio books from Voice Bunny check them out at

Create a Catchy Title

Your title really can make or break your product, which means you should spend some time brainstorming and testing catchy titles.

Use these templates to get you started:

The Secrets Of [Getting a Benefit].

Example:  The Secrets of Starting a Six-Figure Business.

The A-Z Guide Of [Topic].

Example:  The A-Z Guide to Selling Your Own Home.

What Every [Type of Person] Ought to Know About [Topic].

Example:  What Every Parent Ought to Know About Raising Happy, Healthy Kids.

How to [Get a Great Result] Without [Some Bad Thing].

Example:  How to Melt the Fat Fast Without Feeling Deprived.

The #1 Way to [Get a Benefit].

Example:  The #1 Way to Create a Bestselling Novel.

Chances are, you’re going to be creating another product very soon – maybe even later today. So be sure to use these tips and tricks to create a better product faster than ever!

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Recommended Resources:

Here are a number of product creation and development resources you may find useful:

20 Product Creation Checklists: We’ve condensed over 10 years experience and $10 Million dollars worth of product development and marketing information and digested it down to the bare minimum of what you need to know right now to get great results. Click Here For Information

Small Reports Fortune: Unlock the secrets of creating 7-15 page reports and converting them into products you can sell for $37, $97, $297 even $997! – You get 7 jam-packed sessions that cover everything you need to know in order to create – and sell – your first small report. Get It Here

Digital Riches: Discover what the world’s most successful digital product sellers know about making HUGE PROFITS with every sale and how to double, triple even quadruple the value of every customer that comes through your door. Check It Out Here